We started out on the Verna Dunshee Trail around the peak. It's paved the whole way and was an easy 3/4 or so mile trek. There was a little unmarked off-shoot dirt trail we took for a short while before giving up. Too many tall bushes. Adam and I were each carrying one of the boys in packs so they were getting the brunt of the branch-to-the-face. After making the whole loop, even though Sofia was minus a nap, she wanted to keep going and was actually doing really well. I thought for sure she was going to be dragging her feet and complaining. So we decided to go up to the summit. The trail up to the peak was a rock scrambler. Sofia had such a great time. When she was about two years old, she was a great hiker. She even backpacked with us and carried her own little pack the whole way. But then our schedules didn't allow us to go out as often and Sofia started getting soft. She NEVER wanted to ride in the stroller, that is until the boys came. Now she starts complaining about walking when we go to the mall. Today, she was totally in her element. Not one single complaint. I felt like I had to keep up with her sometimes. She wanted to take the lead the entire time. She wasn't hesitant on any of those rock scrambles. I don't think there was a single misstep, her footing was great. She was cautious when she needed to be and asked for help during the big drops. Watching her hike definitely made me proud. One of those moments where I think, "We did good."
It wasn't until after we got to the top that Adam and I realized this is Sofia first mountain summit. We've hiked a lot with her but never to the peak of something. It's always been groomed trail stuff or backpacking. Granted she maybe only did 400 feet of elevation climb, but still.
The views were amazing. The weather was perfect. None of the kids cried or whined. Everyone had a great time and we got home in time to throw some steaks on the grill and have pumpkin pie for desert. Our detour may have changed up our plans, but the day was still an amazing success.
Enjoy some photos from our day's travels.