We had a quiet day at home with the family for their birthday. No party for the boys this year. Not only do two year olds not really care about birthday parties yet but, let's get real, they don't have any friends of their own. Sofia really really wanted a Frozen themed party so having a joint party between her and the boys would be a bit awkward. Not a very gender neutral theme. Besides, we had a lot going on with Sofia graduating preschool and Sofia's party (because she does have friends of her own) and getting ready for Texas that we just opted to save everyone the hassle and shopping and skipped on a party for the boys. I hope they don't mind.
You've lost most of your squish but I still sometimes call you My Little Squishy. You are a pretty easy going toddler. Between you and your brother, it's definitely monkey see monkey do for you. What you see Jacob do, you do. You are still a bit reserved around strangers, but usually only if Daddy or I are around. When you are with a babysitter, neither you nor your brother bat an eye that we are leaving. And you are still an amazing sleeper. We did have to separate you and your brother into two cribs, but you don't fuss at going down for naps or for bed at night. Although you do get a bit fussy and feisty if you are tired, we clearly know when you are ready to sleep as your right thumb is in your mouth and your left hand is tugging on your ear.
Especially within the last two weeks, your language and communication has really developed. You can ask for More.... Peese (please). You love going Owside (outside) and To Carrrrr (going to the car) even though you ask for Daddy's truck every time. In the morning you always ask Where Dadddeeee (where's Daddy)? Instead of saying yes, you say OH! "Thomas, do you want a snack?" "Oh!" And if you don't want to do something, it's NoNoNo! You aren't that great of a sharer so it's a good thing your brother is. I'm going to learn from raising your sister and refrain from saying something is mine because I can totally see you being one of those Mine Mine Mine kids. You have yet to learn that, so I really hope we just skip that stage.
Your favorite things in the whole wide world are shoes. You picked out a cute little pair of Vans with a gold fish face on them many moons ago. Those are definitely your shoes. Heaven forbid I try to put them on Jacob. NoNoNoNo! Shoes! Shoes! Just the other day I was getting you dressed after your nap and brought you to the closet so you could pick out your shoes. No! Shoes! Yes, Thomas, pick out your shoes. No Shoes!! Yes, Thomas, pick our your shoes. What shoes do you want to wear? (get closer to the closet) No!!!! Shoes! Pish Shoes!! oh! you want your fish shoes?? (which where on the nightstand, not in the closet) Oh! Pish Shoes!! I hate to tell you buddy, but you are going to outgrow those pish shoes soon. It is not uncommon to see you walk down the hall in your sister's shoes and your dad's shoes and my shoes. Now if we can teach you to put them all back when your done....
Not so much a fan of bananas anymore but you are the most milk-drinkingest kid ever. Milk with every meal. If I try to give you water when you want milk? Sippy cup thrown across the room. I've started a savings account to pay for the gallons and gallons you'll be consuming in the next 13 years or so. (I kid, but that's not a bad idea...)
We can usually find you in the playroom by the small bookshelf lining up every Matchbox and Hot Wheels car side by side, then lining them up front to back in a row, then parking them on a diagonal. Dad calls that Thomas's Garage.
Not as outgoing as your brother but you are such a sweet little guy. It's no wonder I smother you with kisses all the time.
Monkey See, Monkey Do and you are always the Monkey doing. You've caught up to your brother growth wise. Only one pound and one inch difference. He seems like more of a chunk because of the little buddha belly, but carrying you around ain't no picnic either. You were the happiest baby and you are still the happiest toddler. You know no stranger. Your hugs come complete with back pats or arm rubs. And you've moved on from giving hugs to giving kisses. I've been lazy and haven't taken you in for a hair cut in a while, which actually isn't a bad thing because now you have these sweet little waves in your hair. Especially when you get hot and your hair gets a little wet or damp. Curls for the girls.
You are still a horrible sleeper. Nap? No, thank you! If it were up to you, you would just go go go all day until you couldn't go anymore and then you would literally pass out unconscious right where you were. (We know because you've done it before). You have gotten better at going to sleep at night though. Most times you'll go down without a fight, but occasionally you still need to protest. They only last a few minutes though, and then you give up and stay quiet even though you don't always fall asleep right away.
Your language isn't quite as developed as Thomas's but it is getting better and better each day. You're most spoken words are Cookie, Outside, More, Shoes, and Nose. You don't talk as much as other kids your age, but you understand a lot. I just think you aren't a big talker in general. You are more the thinker. The engineer. You look at stuff like you are really trying to figure it out. Like how you were the first to figure out how to open doors, including the dead bolt on the front door, and the first to climb up onto the table, and the first to figure out what the remote control does....
Your favorite thing in the whole world is getting into trouble. Okay not really, but you think it's hilarious. You must think your name is Jacob NoNoDon'tdothat White. And after we tell you no don't do that, you stare at us and smile and keep doing it. You Turkey!! But it's impossible to get angry because you are so darn cute! That little coy face of yours. Many a time Daddy and I try to scold you and give you stern looks and then have to turn away so you don't see us laughing. (Don't encourage the boy!!) You have one of the most expressive faces I've seen on a little kid. Happy face, pouty face, excited face, surprised face, curious face - you've got them all done, one more amazing than the next.
You must have inherited my sweet tooth because you can put the hurt onto a box of cookies. You are going to be just like your sister - eat dinner only because we make you before you can have dessert.
We can usually find you in the playroom on top of the counter or elbow deep in paint (when we are not having craft time) or dumping the legos out onto the floor and then moving on to dumping the train set onto the floor and then dumping out all of Sofia's Barbies on to the floor. Do you see a trend here? Whereas Thomas can spend hours in his Garage playing with cars, you bore easily and need to move onto the next thing. Unless you are playing outside, where you can spend hours pushing the doll stroller from one end of the yard to the other. Back and forth, Back and forth. That little $3 doll stroller from the thrift store was the best purchase ever. It's got so many miles on it, half of one wheel has fallen off.
It is impossible not to smile when we are around you. A bundle of joy even though you drive us crazy with your shenanigans.
It's true what other mom's of multiples have told me, it does get easier as time goes on. I am so thankful that you continue to compliment each other so well. A built in playmate. An automatic best friend. There was a time where I was sad for Sofia that she didn't have a sister to play with, but now I see she has two awesome brothers that love each other and love her. Not a day goes by that I don't say, man, I've got three amazing kids. Love you boys.