I don't really make new year resolutions. I can't even say that I really make new year goals, if there is a distinction between the two. Sure there are things that I'm working toward achieving, but they are more of a constant, not a new year thing. Plus I'm not that big of a life planner. I'm more of a day to day kind of person. One thing I am always working on improving is organization, especially around the house. We have been amassing stuff for the past 8 or so years, and not to mention the fact that there are three more people living in the house from when we started, so it's easy to say we have to get rid of some stuff. It has been a work in progress, but I think it's coming along nicely. I always get a burst of energy to downsize and organize around the first of the year. Start the new year clean and the rest of the year will follow, right??
My most recent project was to tackle the kid's play room, formerly known as the living room. We converted the living room into a play room for Sofia quite a while ago, but when the twins came along we quickly realized when they started crawling that sharing a play space may not be a great idea. So we moved the boys into our family room and did some creative baby proofing using baby gates, play pens, ropes and an ironing board. Sounds slightly dangerous but really it worked rather well. At least for the first year. But then they got strong enough to push our sorry excuse for baby proofing aside and get into the cabinets, and they could reach over the play pen and touch the electronics, plus we'd eventually have to put a Christmas tree in there and I'm pretty sure that's not an approved toddler toy. So we combined the two play rooms. I tried using the existing shelving and organization we had in place already but it just wasn't enough. Trying to cram all those toddler toys in with her crayons and barbie shoes was not working great. The boys' favorite playtime activity was to take every single coloring book off the shelf and dump the entire bucket of crayons on the floor. As soon as the hustle bustle of the holidays was over, I ran to IKEA to remedy that.
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the White family play room |
I wish I had a play room as awesome as this growing up! All the shelving and cabinets were already in the play room except for one. We added in one Expedit unit from IKEA. I guess you could say I'm an IKEA fan. I definitely don't hate it. Is it the most amazing furniture ever? No. But it works and it's cheap and super functional. I think the Expedit is probably one of my favorite pieces. We use one as our changing table, just stuck a changing pad on top, that way when all is done, the boys have a bookshelf already. It doesn't have a back like some units do, so it can be used as a room divider because both front and back are finished. You can either lay it down like we have here, or you can stand it up and use it like a traditional bookshelf. So versatile.
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The new Expedit unit. Those baskets hold SO much stuff. |
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Adorable, right? |
But I wanted to be able to showcase some of Sofia's better artwork too. I originally bought a shadowbox picture frame for scrapbook pages with the intent to do a page every season and hang it in the entryway. The glass broke shortly after purchase so Adam removed the glass entirely and we put the frame in the play room. It works really well - no glass so we just pin artwork into the frame on the attached cork board - but it's small. There's a lot of space for more frames but I don't know if I want to buy another frame just like this. Seems like overkill to have to take the glass out, so I might just get a nice glassless frame and put cork board in it myself. This works for now though.
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Sofia drew the picture and made the button frame. |
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All in all I think the room turned out great. I'm really glad there is a place for everything and it's all organized. All the barbies fit in one bin, all the crayons were moved to a plastic bin with a locking top, the trains are in their own bin, legos in another. It's glorious! I dislike that I had to move the play kitchen in front of the fireplace as that pretty much means we won't ever use it, but not like we could anyway with all these "spare the air" days we've been having. So really, is it a loss???
I also re-organized Sofia's closet taking out her drawers and adding in some shelving units.... while she was sleeping! Kudos to my Mom and I for pulling that off two feet from her head. But I wasn't sure you just wanted to see pictures of a closet, so I left those out.
I'll leave you with a close up of the best hand-me-down we've received to date, the Radio Flyer Blaze Riding Horse which Sofia has lovingly named Neighnees and has ridden almost daily. Glad I was able to make room for this beast of a toy.
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