This is totally a Sofia original.
Why yes she is wearing a jean skirt OVER her jeans.
This is actually an outfit she wore the other day and I just hadn't had a chance to post it. What I had originally set out for her consisted of the jeans and a bunch of other stuff not seen here. What she came out of her room wearing cracked me up. But at the same time, it kind of works. At least both denim items are of similar color. And I guess I'd rather have this than a Canadian tuxedo...
This outfit also has some significance because it's the first time we were able to put Sofia's hair in a high ponytail. She wants to grow it out "long like Rapunzel!"She also took some scissors to it over a year ago and we had to put some layers in to remedy that, so those layers have finally grown out enough to allow for a high ponytail.

Shirt - hand-me-down of unknown origin
glitter jean Skirt - Old Navy
bootcut jeans - Old Navy
shoes - Michael Khors
korker bow - TuTu Cute Creations by Amanda
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