Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hiking Mt. Tam

Today was one of those rare days we all had the day off together and since Adam and I both vowed to spend more time in the outdoors with the kids, we decided to go on a hike. Our intended destination was the Cataract Trail Loop , but that's not where we ended up. We passed it.... Without realizing it... And instead of google maps navigation telling us to u-turn at the next safest spot, it just redirected without my co-pilot (Adam) realizing it. "Are you sure we didn't miss a turn?" "No, we've been on the blue line the whole time." So we went on a wild goose chase around Mount Tamalpais State Park, eventually ending up at the parking lot for the East Peak Trail. What should have taken us a little under an hour was pushing two. This is just going to have to do. It ended up being perfect.

We started out on the Verna Dunshee Trail around the peak. It's paved the whole way and was an easy 3/4 or so mile trek. There was a little unmarked off-shoot dirt trail we took for a short while before giving up. Too many tall bushes. Adam and I were each carrying one of the boys in packs so they were getting the brunt of the branch-to-the-face. After making the whole loop, even though Sofia was minus a nap, she wanted to keep going and was actually doing really well. I thought for sure she was going to be dragging her feet and complaining. So we decided to go up to the summit.  The trail up to the peak was a rock scrambler. Sofia had such a great time. When she was about two years old, she was a great hiker. She even backpacked with us and carried her own little pack the whole way. But then our schedules didn't allow us to go out as often and Sofia started getting soft. She NEVER wanted to ride in the stroller, that is until the boys came. Now she starts complaining about walking when we go to the mall. Today, she was totally in her element. Not one single complaint. I felt like I had to keep up with her sometimes. She wanted to take the lead the entire time. She wasn't hesitant on any of those rock scrambles. I don't think there was a single misstep, her footing was great. She was cautious when she needed to be and asked for help during the big drops. Watching her hike definitely made me proud. One of those moments where I think, "We did good." 

It wasn't until after we got to the top that Adam and I realized this is Sofia first mountain summit. We've hiked a lot with her but never to the peak of something. It's always been groomed trail stuff or backpacking. Granted she maybe only did 400 feet of elevation climb, but still. 

The views were amazing. The weather was perfect. None of the kids cried or whined. Everyone had a great time and we got home in time to throw some steaks on the grill and have pumpkin pie for desert. Our detour may have changed up our plans, but the day was still an amazing success.

Enjoy some photos from our day's travels. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall family day!

Adam and I pretty much work opposite schedules which is great because our kids don't need to go to day care, but it makes doing things as a family nearly impossible. So when we find ourselves with the same day off, we tend to pack it full of various activities and errands we want to do as a family. Today was no exception. We were go, go, going from 8 this morning and we still aren't home as I type this. Even though I'm tired and ready to get home, spending the entire day with the family has been enjoyable from start to finish. 

On top of regular things like Sofia having school today and going out to breakfast, the boys got their very first haircuts and we went to the pumpkin patch. I've been holding off on getting the boys' hair cut because I knew they weren't going to look like babies anymore. Jacob wasn't in dire need of a haircut since he doesn't have much hair anyway - the top was getting a little long but overall we could have stretched it out further and he wouldn't have looked rediculous. But poor Thomas had a full on mullet. Hair in his eyes and a whole lot of party in the back...  We went to a place that just cuts kids' hair - with little cars to sit in and Elmo on the tv. I told the lady to just clean Jacob up a bit but leave as much of Thomas' length on the top as possible. He has such nice hair, I don't want to give him a buzz cut or anything. 
The befores. 

They both did great! I didn't think they'd be bad but I wasn't too sure how well they'd be, especially with the clippers. I mean they were wiggly of course, but they cooperated pretty well. 
The durings. 

Surprisingly Jacob's haircut made a bigger difference on his not-a-baby-anymore looks than Thomas's. The stylist put a little gel in it and spiked the front of Jacob's hair, gave him a little style, and instantly it was "where did my baby go?!" Of course he is absolutely adorable. Thomas's hair came out perfect. All the length in the back is gone but the front stayed long and daper. 
The afters. 

For how much I hesitated making this milestone, I'm so impressed with how handsome my boys are now. It was so silly to hold onto their babydom. 

After haircuts we did a few other errands around town then headed out to the pumpkin patch. Fall is an amazing time of year and I love taking family photos at the pumpkin patch. We don't always go to the same place, but this year we went to the same place we went last year and the same place we go every year for our Christmas tree, Silveyville farm. I am not a huge fan of getting holiday specific clothing for the kids because it seems like a waste to wear a shirt for a month. Honestly, you see someone in a thanksgiving shirt after Thanksgiving and they seem a little lame... So I usually try to get something that is festive for the season, not the specific holiday. This year I got the most awesome little corduroy vests for the boys at Old Navy. I wanted to get them winter vests anyway, so this worked out well. I wasn't 100% convinced with the vests even though they were pretty adorable in the store. They ended up being perfect paired with a thermal and jeans. Just the right amount of bundled up look. Sofia coordinated wearing a puffy vest and jeggings. 

By the time we got to the pumpkin patch, it was pretty stinking late and the sun was already setting. We snapped some photos, let the kids roll around in the hay, picked out a pumpkin and called it a day. (Hey, that rhymed) 

Now that we are finally home, I think everyone is pretty darn tired and won't have any problems going right to sleep. Long day but totally worth it.