The hair pulling got to me. I really liked being able to wear it up or down and I was just getting comfortable with the sock bun, but the hair pulling from the twins was driving me bonkers. So was having to buy copious amounts of conditioner. And I had bangs in various lengths of growing out. And it always ended up in a bun by the end of the day anyway, so I cut it all off. Like super short. And so far, going on day four, I love it.
Before |
After |
Several weeks ago I saw a picture in People magazine of Paris Jackson and instantly fell in love with her haircut. I hesitated running straight to the salon because I had been growing my hair out for quite some time, was I really going to hack it all off? And I just had some ombre color done, so that would be gone. Plus, let's face it, if I cut all my hair off and I decide to grow it out again, not only will it take another four years, but I'll be on the other side of 30... My days of pulling off super long hair are numbered. There was some deliberating. I asked my coworkers for their opinion. I asked my stylist her opinion. I slept on it for many nights. But every time I saw that photo of Paris Jackson, I panged for that hair cut a bit. Finally after one incredibly hard pull and having to pry Thomas's chubby little fingers open to free my hair, I had enough and made an appointment to be rid of it.
The inspiration |
As a little kid, I had the same haircut for years. My dad used to cut it. I had a typical little kid bob but with the bangs that just morphed into the rest of my hair. There was no delineation. Just one infinite loop of hair around my head that was maybe one step better than a bowl cut.... maybe. When I was finally old enough to protest, I started growing out my hair. I think that was about the fifth grade. It was also the era of scrunchies and multiple colored ponytail holders all stacked one on top of the other holding up a half ponytail on the very tip top of your head, which was helpful when growing out bangs! It was pretty long by the time I got to high school. Sophomore year I tried to cut my own wispy bangs. I don't recommend it. Junior year I cut my hair into a chin length bob. At that point I found the beauty that is Manic Panic. Then right before senior year, I saw a Lancome ad in a magazine and the model had this adorable short hair cut that I wanted to try. I brought in the ad and said I wanted my hair cut just like that. It would have been helpful to go somewhere where they actually knew how to style hair and not the $12 neighborhood place because what I ended up with was nothing like that photo. And right before senior portraits too. I'll admit - I cried a little. But hair grows.
I went through a couple more cycles of grow it out and chop it off. Then I went through a highlighting phase. Right after I had Sofia, I highlighted my hair so many times without redoing the base color that it was as close to blonde as I think I'll ever get. As time passes, my hair gets more wavy. So naturally I tried a wear-it-wavy/curly phase. That brings us to the final grow it out, chop it off cycle. I probably cut a good 12 - 15 inches off my hair. Yes I did donate it. The salon I use does it automatically for me. (Thanks,
Sole salon!)
Long story short, (pun intended) I easily get bored with my hair. I'm really digging on this one though. I don't have to spend ten minutes in the shower trying to work through all the tangles with fist-fulls of conditioner. I can just towel dry and go if I want and it still doesn't look half bad. It's fun and funky and I'm hearing the streaks of red are a good touch. The cut really does look like the inspirational photo when it's not all fresh from the salon blow-dried. (in case you were thinking they don't look too similar) I think I might keep this look for a while. Of course, until I get bored with it.
I'll leave you with some fun photos.
I have my Dad to thank for this look. |
Senior Year. Not a good look. HATED IT. |
Mother's Day, 2011. Best hair day, ever! (this is wavy hair phase) |
The highlight phase |
side by side before and after
The pic where you "have to thank your dad for this look"...I think he had the same haircut then, too.