Friday, February 14, 2014

Sofia's Valentines

Happy Valentine's Day!

We aren't big celebrators of this specific holiday. Although all holidays these days are a bit commercialized, this one in particular feels just a little too Hallmark-y for me. I understand the sentiment of telling your loved ones you love them on a particular day, but really, that just needs to be a year round occurrence. So we don't go all out for Valentine's day like we do for other holidays, but it is still fun to celebrate. I have some great memories of picking out valentines to pass out to my classmates and who doesn't like those little conversations heart candies.

Being in preschool, this is Sofia's first year of celebrating Valentine's day with her classmates. They didn't do a big party, but they did pass out valentines. She had to bring one valentine for each kid in her class (as it should be, at this age at least) and she had a lot of fun putting them together. She picked out the valentine idea herself with the only direction from me that she couldn't give out candy or food. There would be enough of that from the other kids I was sure. It took her all of five minutes to pick out bouncy balls over all the other options they had at the store. Some printed out tags that said, "Have a ball this Valentine's Day" and we are good!

Sofia wrote her name on all 24 valentines. Phew! I thought she was going to give up after a while but she just kept on trucking until we got to the end. Then she stuffed all the bags with the bouncy balls. I folded the cards and stapled the bags shut. I had forgot we bought the heart stickers so in hindsight, I would have left off the cute little pink pennant banner, made the font bigger, and just used the stickers as decoration. But I didn't think about that until she was half way done writing her name on the cards and I felt awful asking her to do it again... so the perfectionist in me is not crazy about how these turned out. They are preschool valentine cards. It's really not that big a deal... 

Sofia was so excited to get to school today because she knew she was going to hand out her valentines. 

And then she was excited to get home to eat all the candy she got in return. 

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