Sunday, November 3, 2013


I just realized this post never published... Oops. Here's a post from a few months ago :) 

Sofia knew she had to be four years old before she could start going to school. So as soon as she turned four, she started counting down the days until preschool started. I think she woke up on her forth birthday and actually said, "I'm four years old now! Can I go to school yet?" Who knows where all this excitement comes from. I wonder what it is about school that is driving all this excitement. I'm guessing its the adventure of being able to go off and do something new. She does love to learn, but I'm not convinced that she truly equates school with learning yet. I would also place money on it being the rite of passage that is so exciting. Beginning school, even if it is only preschool three days a week, definitely means she is out of the baby/toddler phase. She is growing up. She is a big kid. I shouldn't be so surprised. I loved going to school so much my mom would threaten leaving me home from school if I misbehaved. How's that for punishment! 

With two days at preschool under her belt, Sofia seems to love it. She didn't bat an eyelash at us leaving her on the first day. Today she was so focused on getting to her classroom that she barely bothered with saying goodbye to her dad. I'm immensely proud that she seems so prepared for preschool. She's a good kid and I know she's not perfect, but I can't help but be a bit nervous that she won't be as cooperative as she needs to be. She's never been in day care. She's not very familiar with this kind of set-up - someone who is not a relative or close friend telling her what to do. We've taught her to be respectful to all people, but have we really prepared her for having to listen to a teacher? To interact with classmates? If her teachers ever have to discuss her behavior with us, my heart will sink a bit. It's probably my nervousness in starting something new. She's my first kid to start school. I can only speculate on what to expect as a parent of a school aged child. I'm a baby and toddler pro, but I haven't had to deal with classmates and teachers yet. 

So far, she's having a blast. I hope she will continue to enjoy school for many many years. She will learn soon enough school isn't always singing songs and coloring. So enjoy recess while you can, my love. 

Ready to Go!!
Our little school girl. 

Melt my heart

I'm so lucky her BFF is in class with her this year. They were so excited to start school together. 

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