Thursday, June 12, 2014

Airport Shuttle Fail level 1002

No one in my family is a stranger to traveling. I was lucky to have parents who enjoyed traveling and had family in Canada and overseas. My brother and I were such seasoned travelers, my parents had no worries shipping us off to Italy by ourselves as teenagers... With an eight hour layover in Frankfurt (that was a whole thing). Adam worked for Continental Airlines back in the day so our long distance relationship while dating included many standby flights between Oakland and Houston. So it is no wonder that we don't balk at the idea of flying as a family bringing our small kids with us. Even with a family, you won't regret standing behind us in the security line. We know our stuff. We pack light. We are prepared. And so far the kids have been great travelers. However, dealing with diapers and toys and car seats is stressful enough. I don't need frustrating airport shuttle issues too!

Having five family members makes it hard to ask friends for a ride to the airport so we opted to just take an airport shuttle. I've used various airport shuttles in the past and don't remember having any big complaints. They were all easy. Schedule a pick up, they come right to your house, help load your bags in the van and drop you off at the airport departure curb. This time we opted to use a local service instead of a well know brand like we've used in the past. Our neighbor just three doors down has an airport shuttle parked in his driveway. Let's keep it super local!! He quoted me a good price, $75, and was so excited to learn his neighbor was giving him business. I should have known from our first conversation... 

Our flight leaves Thursday morning from Oakland at 945. We have three car seats to deal with so I want to get there by 8. 
Ok sure! Just call me two days before. 
How do we deal with pick up on the return trip?
Oh just call me two days before. Where do you live? 
On Windward and Coral. 
Ok what city? 
(... Um, we already established we were neighbors and you live on coral... But ok) ....

... Two days before... 

Hello, I want to confirm my pick up for Thursday.
Oh yes ok. Where do you live? 
We are neighbors... 
Oh yes. What time is your flight? 
I want to be at the airport at 8. What time do you need to pick us up? 715? 730? 
Oh 730 will be okay. See you Saturday. 
No Thursday. 
Thursday? As in the day after tomorrow. 
Why don't you text me? 
Yes. Great idea! 

Crystal clear, right?? As you can see, I had to write back after I got no response for an hour. Then I got a call... 

Hello, yes. I got your message. I will be there at 730 Saturday. 

Let it be known, he was not instilling any confidence with me. Perhaps he was saying Thursday all along and I just couldn't understand between the bad cell connection and the accent. A 730 pickup was already making me nervous. Who knows how difficult it would be to get the seats strapped in to his van. And yes there is a car pool lane for some of the trip, but heaven forbid we hit traffic on 880 where there is no carpool lane. Adam and I decided if this guy wasn't showing up by 735, we were packing up the truck and driving ourselves. 

Fast forward to Thursday. (Saturday? No Thursday!!) 

715 and the butterflies are starting. Oh my gosh I hope this guy shows up. 725 and the pacing begins. 731 and we are all staring out the window. 735 and no shuttle. Dammit! 

Calling the guy... 

Hello? We had a pickup for today. Are you on your way?? (From literally three doors down...) 
Oh yes. You asked for an 8 o'clock pickup. 
No! I said I wanted to be at the airport at 8!! 
Oh so sorry! Ok, I'll be there in 10 minutes. 

(Are you for real?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!) 

746 .... Calling again. 

Hello? Are you coming?
Yes yes. I'll be there in two seconds . 
Because we need to leave! We are terribly behind schedule. 

At this point we are beyond done. Adam had started throwing suitcases in the bed of the truck in anticipation of having to jam out to the airport on our own. We are putting everything out of the house to lock up and run as soon as he pulls up or we just give up and drive ourselves and the phone rings... 

Hello you are at 809? 
No. 908. 

Is this guy for real?! I friggin texted you the info. Take a look at your damn phone. It says it RIGHT THERE!!!!!! 

Dude finally rolls up at like 755. We are throwing things on the van. Good thing I'm a pro at installing car seats. Forget the damn anchor strap, ain't nobody got time for that. Adam is wanting to totally rip the guy a new one. Homeboy is so oblivious that we are fuming. We live at least 25 minutes away from the airport on a good day and we are now leaving the house 5 minutes before we wanted to be rolling up at the airport curb. Arg! We get everything and everyone locked and loaded in about five minutes and are finally on the road. 

Don't worry, sir. I will drive very fast. 

He says as he drives down the hill at about ten miles per hour... Until he slows down to about three miles per hour... 

See I live right there he says as he's pointing out his house. 

Yes! Dude! We know!! We told you about ten times that we are your neighbor which means we know exactly where you live!!!! 

Thankfully it was a good day and the traffic was light. We got to the airport right around 830. At least I had the foresight to plan on getting to the airport with ample time to spare. I had hoped to have time to grab something to eat and let the kids run around a bit before getting on the plane. That extra time was cut out, but we weren't at any risk of missing our flight, which is more important. The guy asks Adam about the return trip and tells us to call him two days before our return. As he drives off, I look at Adam... 

So we are calling Super Shuttle for the ride back, right? Yup! 

We get checked in, get through security, and then Thomas promptly pees through his diaper while in the Ergo and gets my shirt all wet. 

Well isn't that lovely! 

1 comment:

  1. That was a pretty hilarious read. Dude must have some kind of mental disability, because that kind of behavior is not even close to normal. Uh... you sure you want your address on the internet? Because some people are crazy, like the dude.
